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      Our business ethics and social responsibility policy has been established to set standards and provide guidelines for the way B dynamic Logistics operates as a responsible corporate citizen. B dynamic Logistics is committed to this set of core values and approaches to the process of doing business on a daily basis.

      The B dynamic ethics and social responsibility policy focuses around five key areas. These are:

      01. Our Employees

      B dynamic Logistics provides a positive working environment to support the core values of the business and this begins with our people.

      • Honest and open communication between all levels of the organization. Everyone in the team is encouraged to provide feedback that enables B dynamic Logistics to improve and empowers our people to achieve their best.
      • Flexibility improves the work/life balance of our people and allows us to support each other in achieving the best results for our organization.
      • Equal opportunity for personal recognition and career development, regardless of personal background or belief. No form of discrimination or harassment will be tolerated.
      • Rewarding and promoting people who demonstrate entrepreneurial behaviour and show individual initiative in combination with a high degree of knowledge and experience.
      • Safe and pleasant working environment.

      02. Our Customers

      B dynamic Logistics values the long term and sustained relationship with our customers by serving our customers.

      • We always behave with honesty and integrity, and with the best interest of the customer in mind.
      • We always act in a professional and responsible manner.
      • We value the intellectual property and any commercial confidentiality and make every effort to protect them.
      • We do not undertake any project or business dealing that may cause a conflict of interest with our existing customers’ projects. Similarly, we will not subscribe to any business practice that reduces our customers’ competitive advantage.
      • We do not support or provide services to organizations with illegal or unethical business practice, such as terrorist organizations.

      03. Our Suppliers

      B dynamic Logistics aims to develop relationships with our suppliers based on mutual trust. Therefore, all dealings will be conducted in a professional manner at all times, with the following expectations and commitments:

      • All suppliers must meet international quality standards and ethical business practice.
      • All supplier relationships are assessed against our Quality Counts standards and feedback given to suppliers on a job basis.
      • All suppliers’ environmental policies must be assessed as satisfactory by B dynamic prior to any business dealings.
      • Suppliers working conditions must be safe and hygienic.
      • CHILD LABOUR SHALL NOT BE USED – Children and young persons under 18 shall not be employed at night or in hazardous conditions. These policies and procedures shall conform to the provisions of the relevant ILO standards.
      • We pay our suppliers on time and according to agreed terms.

      04. Our Environment

      B dynamic Logistics is committed to the principals and practice of protecting the environment, where possible, from the result of the activities undertaken to create products and services and minimizing, as far as possible, any such effects.

      Through our philosophy of ‘rethink, reduce, reuse, repair, recycle and refuse’, B dynamic Logistics is expecting to create the following environment initiatives:

      • Identify, review and manage our environmental impacts, potential risks and opportunities for improvement.
      • Develop and implement environmental management programs to continually improve performance and realize opportunities for environmentally positive contributions.
      • Minimize waste-to-landfill, greenhouse gas emissions and other pollution, further reduce our consumption of power, water and natural resources and employ environmental considerations in purchasing decisions.
      • Incorporate environmental management considerations into our core business plans and management practices, including the preparation, fit-out and ongoing operation of accommodation arrangements.
      • Regularly monitor and report on our environmental performance.
      • Operations within our organization, with our clients, suppliers, and the general community.
      • As a minimum, comply with applicable legal and other requirements including relevant Government and Department policies.
      • Communicate this policy and other environmental management commitments to all staff.
      • Refuse to take action on any activities that have an alternative with a lesser impact on the environment.

      05. Our Community

      B dynamic Logistics seeks to serve and support the community in which we operate by:

      • Providing support and sponsorship to community-based activities.
      • Providing discounted products and services to non-profit organizations such as schools and charity organizations.
      • Encouraging B dynamic Logistics staff to participate in voluntary activities to support community-based programs.